MapleStory 2 Wiki

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MapleStory 2 Wiki
Template-info Documentation


This module blackboxes several Wiki operations (eg. Fetching skill info) and is intended for use by other Lua modules. This is mostly useful for functions that may be required across multiple modules (eg. Several modules may require checking if a value is nil or empty), and would be more efficient to define it once rather than multiple times across several modules.


This module can be used from other modules by requiring Module:Util and then calling the desired function.

The following is an example of using the isNilOrEmpty() function, a function which checks if the given parameter is nil or empty, from another module:

local testVariable = 'test'
local anotherTestVariable = require('Module:Util').isNilOrEmpty(sampleVariable)

The require('Module:Util') can also be stored in a variable and called in that way.

local util = require('Module:Util')
local testVariable = 'test'
local anotherTestVariable = util.isNilOrEmpty(sampleVariable)

-- This module blackboxes several Wiki operations (eg. Fetching skill info)
-- and is intended for use by other Lua modules. 
-- This module should not be called from #invoke directly.

local p = {}

local cargo = mw.ext.cargo

-- Skill-related functions

--- Function that gets how many variable skill effects a skill has (eg. Damage %)
-- @param skill Name of the skill
-- @return The number of effects the provided skill has
function p.getNumberOfEffects(skill)
  -- Query the Cargo Tables for all the effects
  local tables = 'SkillLevelEffects'
  local queryFields = "Effect1,Effect2,Effect3,Effect4,Effect5,Effect6,Effect7,Effect8"
  local queryArgs = {
    where = 'Name="' .. skill .. '"',
    groupBy = 'Name'
  local queryResult = cargo.query(tables, queryFields, queryArgs)

  -- If there was no result returned, default return 0
  if queryResult == nil then
    return 0

  for key,skill in ipairs(queryResult) do
    -- Go through each effect until we hit an effect that is null
    for i=1,MAX_SKILL_EFFECTS do
      -- If the effect is nil/empty, then the previous number
      -- is the amount of skill effects the skill has
      if p.isNilOrEmpty(skill['Effect' .. i]) then
        return i-1

  -- If the query result wasn't nil and if there were no skills
  -- to loop through, default return 0
  return 0

--- Function that returns how many levels a skill has
-- @param skill Name of the skill
-- @return The number of levels skill has
function p.getSkillMaxLevel(skill)
  -- Query the Cargo Tables for the max level
  local tables = 'SkillLevelEffectValues'
  local queryFields = "MAX(Level)=maxLevel"
  local queryArgs = {
    where = 'Name="' .. skill .. '"',
    groupBy = 'Name'
  local queryResult = cargo.query(tables, queryFields, queryArgs)

  -- If there was no result returned, default return 1
  if queryResult == nil then
    return 1

  for key,skill in ipairs(queryResult) do
    return skill.maxLevel

  -- If the query result wasn't nil and if there were no skills
  -- to loop through, default return 1
  return 1

--- Function that returns the skill effect description (eg. Damage %)
-- @param skill Name of the skill
-- @param effectNum The effect number (Skills can have multiple varying effects)
-- @return The skill effect description
function p.getSkillEffectDescription(skill, effectNum)
  -- Query the Cargo Tables for the max level
  local tables = 'SkillLevelEffects'
  local queryFields = "Effect" .. effectNum
  local queryArgs = {
    where = 'Name="' .. skill .. '"',
    groupBy = 'Name'
  local queryResult = cargo.query(tables, queryFields, queryArgs)

  -- If there was no result returned, default return empty string
  if queryResult == nil then
    return ''

  for key,skill in ipairs(queryResult) do
    return skill['Effect' .. effectNum]

  -- If the query result wasn't nil and if there were no skills
  -- to loop through, default return empty string
  return ''

--- Function that returns the skill effect description (eg. Damage %)
-- @param skill Name of the skill
-- @param level The skill level
-- @return The skill level requirement
function p.getSkillLevelRequirement(skill, level)
  -- Query the Cargo Tables for the max level
  local tables = 'SkillLevelEffectValues'
  local queryFields = "ClassLevelRequirement"
  local queryArgs = {
    where = 'Name="' .. skill .. '" AND Level = ' .. level,
    groupBy = 'Name'
  local queryResult = cargo.query(tables, queryFields, queryArgs)

  -- If there was no result returned, default return a dash
  if queryResult == nil then
    return '-'

  for key,skill in ipairs(queryResult) do
    return skill['ClassLevelRequirement']

  -- If the query result wasn't nil and if there were no skills
  -- to loop through, default return a dash
  return '-'

--- Function that returns the skill effect description (eg. Damage %)
-- @param skill Name of the skill
-- @param level The skill level
-- @param effectNum The effect number (Skills can have multiple varying effects)
-- @return The skill effect value
function p.getSkillEffectValue(skill, level, effectNum)
  -- Query the Cargo Tables for the max level
  local tables = 'SkillLevelEffectValues'
  local queryFields = "Effect" .. effectNum
  local queryArgs = {
    where = 'Name="' .. skill .. '" AND Level = ' .. level,
    groupBy = 'Name'
  local queryResult = cargo.query(tables, queryFields, queryArgs)

  -- If there was no result returned, default return a dash
  if queryResult == nil then
    return '-'

  for key,skill in ipairs(queryResult) do
    return skill['Effect' .. effectNum]

  -- If the query result wasn't nil and if there were no skills
  -- to loop through, default return a dash
  return '-'

-- Misc. Wiki-related functions

--- Add a tooltip with content tooltipText to targetText
-- @param targetText The visible text
-- @param tooltipText The text that will appear when hovering the visible text
-- @return Text with tooltip
function p.createTooltipWithText(targetText, tooltipText)
  local div = mw.html.create('div')
    :css('border-bottom', '0')

  local contentDiv = mw.html.create('div')

  local tooltip = mw.html.create('span')


  return div

--- Add a tooltip with content tooltipText to targetElement
-- @param targetElement The visible element (eg. images)
-- @param tooltipText The text that will appear when hovering the visible text
-- @return Element with tooltip
function p.createTooltipWithElement(targetElement, tooltipText)
  local div = mw.html.create('div')
    :css('border-bottom', '0')

  local tooltip = mw.html.create('span')


  return div

-- Misc. General functions

--- Checks if the specified value is nil or empty
-- @param val
-- @return True/false depending on whether the value provided is empty or not
function p.isNilOrEmpty(val)
    return (val == nil or val == '')

--- Returns '-' if the specified value is nil or empty
-- @param val
-- @return Return '-' or the value
function p.returnDefaultIfEmpty(val)
  if p.isNilOrEmpty(val) then
    return '-'
  return val

--- Removes whitespaces from the string specified
-- Copied from
-- @param The trimmed string
function trim(s)
  return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))

--- Splits a string based on the provided separator
-- Copied from
-- strsplit(seperator, string)
-- @param d The character we want to separate on
-- @param p The string we want to split
-- @return Table of the separated values
function p.strsplit(d,p)
   if p == nil then return '' end
   local t, ll
   if(#p == 1) then
      return {p}
   while true do
      l = string.find(p, d, ll, true) -- find the next d in the string
      if l ~= nil then -- if "not not" found then..
         table.insert(t, string.sub(p,ll,l-1)) -- Save it in our array.
         ll = l + 1 -- save just after where we found it for searching next time.
         table.insert(t, string.sub(p,ll)) -- Save what's left in our array.
         break -- Break at end, as it should be, according to the lua manual.
   return t

--- Pretty print a timestamp in Month day, Year format.
-- @param timestamp The time we want to format
-- @return The provided timestamp in Month Day Year format
function returnFormattedDate(timestamp)
  return'%B %d, %Y', tonumber(timestamp))

--- Gets the day, month, and year of current date
-- @return The current date in Day Month Year format
function getCurrentDateDMY()
  return'%d %B %Y')

--- Function that converts months from text to numbers
-- @param name The name of the month
-- @return The numerical value of the month provided
function p.monthNum(name)
  local monthNum = {
  ["January"] = 1,
  ["February"] = 2,
  ["March"] = 3,
  ["April"] = 4,
  ["May"] = 5,
  ["June"] = 6,
  ["July"] = 7,
  ["August"] = 8,
  ["September"] = 9,
  ["October"] = 10,
  ["November"] = 11,
  ["December"] = 12
  if monthNum[name] ~= nil then
    return monthNum[name]
  return name

--- Returns the length of a specified table
-- @param T Table we want to get the length for
-- @return Length of the specified table
function p.tablelength(T)
  local count = 0
  for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
  return count

--- Because key,value pairs are stored arbitrarily in the tables, this
--- function sorts the keys and returns the key,value pairs in sorted order.
-- @param unsortedTable The unsorted table
-- @return Sorted version of the provided table
function p.sortedPairs(unsortedTable)
    -- Get all the keys from the table
    local keys = {}
    if (unsortedTable ~= nil) then
        for key in pairs(unsortedTable) do
            keys[#keys+1] = key

    -- Sort'em!

    local i = 0
    return function()
        i = i + 1
        if keys[i] then
            return keys[i], unsortedTable[keys[i]]

--- Returns the keys of a table, sorted by the values they're associated with,
--- given a tbl and a sortFunction e.g. "function(a, b) return a < b end"
-- @param tbl The table we want to get the keys from
-- @param sortFunction Function that determines how we want to sort the keys
-- @return Table of keys in sorted order
function p.getKeysSortedByValue(tbl, sortFunction)
  local keys = {}
  for key in pairs(tbl) do
    table.insert(keys, key)

  table.sort(keys, function(a, b)
    return sortFunction(tbl[a], tbl[b])

  return keys

return p